Travel Baseball

10 Feb 2014 by Bryan Walbridge

SFYAL participates in the Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken tournament trail during the summer at five age levels: 8U, 9U, 10U, 11U and 12U. We also have a D2/Prep program for 10U, 11U and 12U. If you are interested in these programs, please let your coach know right away so they can provide names to the commissioners. Tryouts for the travel programs are usually held the last weekend in April and the first weekend in May. The teams could start participating in tournaments as early as Memorial Day and play though August, depending on how deep the teams go through the trail.

The Tournament Trail consists of a district tournament, including the following programs: Spring-Ford, Kimberton, Phoenixville, Audubon, Lower Merion, and Methacton. The winner moves on to the State Tournament usually held mid-July. Regional tournaments are then held at the end of July or early August. Followed by the World Series Tournament for 10U and 12U. In 2007, SFYAL sent our 10U Regional Champions to Indiana to participate in the Cal Ripken World Series where they placed 5th overall.

Additionally, tournament coaches may enter their team in a few invitational tournaments during the course of the summer. Spring-Ford hosts an invitational tournament in June every year, as well as several district and state trail tournaments. When the league hosts a tournament, parents are expected to help with snack stand, parking attendants, field maintenance and other duties at the facility.

It is important to be up-front with the expectations of the commitment of participating in the travel program. Tournament team play is highly competitive. It should be understood by coaches, players, parents and player’s families that players are participating as representatives of SFYAL Baseball/Softball, and it is an honor to be selected to the team. However, position and playing time will be determined by the coaching staff.

To be eligible for tournament teams, each parent and player must sign a commitment letter that agrees to the active participation in practices and tournaments through July 31. If a conflict arises between a league team and tournament team schedule of a practice or a game, the league team takes precedent. Conflicts that might arise with another sports team, vacations, and or camp of any kind MUST be brought to the attention of the team manager. Violation of this commitment without the prior approval of the tournament team manager may result in disciplinary actions including possible dismissal from the team or loss of eligibility for future teams.

Please direct questions to the commissioner for your child’s division.